Monday, October 27, 2014

The New (And Not Really Improved) Whyville Insider

Hello, world and all who inhabit it! Jelloroks here, you may remember I created a little blog I created a few years ago called Whyville Insider. You may remember all the the game tutorials, helpful hints, clam-earning tips, cool contests, and fun articles I regularly posted. Well, I'm here to tell you THAT'S ALL GONE! IT'S NEVER COMING BACK!

Now hold up, wipe away those tears. Let me explain.

As I got older and busier, I didn't update Whyville Insider as much as I should have. I forgot about it for a little while, and stopped logging into Whyville too. Then one day I decided I would check up on Whyville and my blog, see what was new. And to my horror, the blog Whyville Insider DOES NOT EXIST?! WHAT?! All the blood sweat and tears I poured into the blog, all gone in an instant!

So I did some research about why my blog had disappeared, why all traces of it were wiped off the internet machine, and came up with... nothing. But I didn't want to give it up, so I remade my blog. I have been able to salvage a few articles from the original Whyville Insider and will be posting them on this new one, along with brand new articles.

Whyville Insider will never die!

Et tu, Blogger?

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