Monday, October 27, 2014

Game Review: Career Quest

Originally posted on: Monday, March 25th, 2013

You may have played the new game, Career Quest, or... you may have not. Well, I'm here to give my two-cents on the new game. Not that my opinion matters.

How to Play:

You begin by joining a quest at the ACT career center. You will be given a description of a career and approximately 120 seconds to find out what the career is, and where it is in the room. There are six career clusters to choose from. The career only fits into one. You will be given "hot or cold" clues until you are in the correct room. In that room there will be several sub-categories of the cluster. When you choose the right one, it will say "correct area". From there you will see a list of careers. Find the correct one that matches the description and click on it. If you get it wrong, don't worry if you still have time you can try again. If you found the right career, you win and earn 3-6 clams depending on your speed. After that you can join another quest.

The Verdict:

2 out of 5 stars

In my opinion, this game isn't worth your time. With a payout of only a few clams? I say, play it to get your salary up, and then move on to a different game. However, I do think it is a good tool for kids and teens to learn more about careers that might interest them or even discover ones they've never heard of. If you want to do that, then don't join the quests so you can work at your own pace. Remember, 120 seconds is not enough time to make a major life decision, so don't jump to conclusions!

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