Monday, October 27, 2014


Originally posted on: Monday, September 24th, 2012

Hello, whyvillians. First I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates; I haven't actively been on Whyville for quite some time. Also I may start regularly posting again sometime later this year. Now to the announcement.

As you may know, this blog was created for me to get the whylitzer prize, and I have done so. Now, I'm giving you the opportunity to do so too. Instead of wasting internet space (what?), why not have me publish your articles here?

Interested? Just ymail me your article at jelloroks, or email me at Please make sure to edit and spell check your article before sending it. Also please put the subject line as "whylitzer" or something along those lines so I don't think it's spam. DON'T FORGET TO PUT YOUR USERNAME! If your username is hard to read (like i's for l's) please specify that.

If and when I publish your article, send the link OF THE SPECIFIC POST to If you don't know how to do that ymail me and I'll explain.

For more information on the whylitzer award, you can read this article:

And to see an example of an appropriate whylitzer, you can read my whylitzer article here:

Good luck on winning your whylitzer!

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