Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How to Make 1K a Day: Part 3

Before reading, I recommend you read the first installment here and the second here.
You've been on Whyville for a whole week now, thanks for sticking with us! I bet you're liking it so far! By now if you have followed my advice, you will have about 6000 clams (that is if you haven't spent it all at Akbar's Face Factory yet!).

Day 7: Bankinter

Now is about the time you should open a bank account at Bankinter.
  • To do so, click the orange piggy bank at the top of your screen or go to Bankinter by clicking the destination bar at the left of your screen. 
  • Click "open a savings account". 
  • Transfer your desired amount of clams from your checking account to your savings account. 
  • You will earn 1% interest per week on the clams in your savings account. If you put 5000 clams in your savings, you will earn 50 clams of interest in your first week. It's like getting free clams, just for not spending them!
Or, if your really feeling brave, you could put your clams into a Certificate of Deposit, or CD. A CD is when you put away an amount of clams for a certain amount of time. You cannot get the clams out of the CD until the time is up, but you will get more clams from interest than if you had them in a savings account.
  • Go to the Bankinter lobby and click on the CD representative.
  • Enter the amount of clams you want to put in the CD. You must put at least 500 clams into a CD.
  • Choose how long you want the clams to be in the CD. You can choose 2 weeks, 4 weeks, or 6 weeks. The longer the clams are in a CD, the more interest you will earn.
  • So if you put 5000 clams in a CD for 6 weeks, you will earn 900 clams of interest.

Day 7: Salary

Now is the time when you could start playing some of the harder or more time consuming salary games. It may take you a while to get the maximum amount of salary for the game.
  • Earn 13 clams of salary at the Wellness Center.
  • Earn 17 clams of salary in Vampire Power.
  • Earn 15 clams of salary in Career Quest.
  • Earn 3 clams of salary in Wilson City Rescue Outdoor
  • Earn 3 clams of salary in Wilson City Rescue House
  • Earn 3 clams of salary in Wilson City Rescue Car
  • Earn 12 clams of salary in Power Planner Worksheets
  • Earn 18 clams of salary in Scion Driving School
  • Earn 18 clams of salary in WhyPower Peak Power
  • Earn 12 clams of salary in WhyPower Powerline
  • Earn 14 clams of salary in WhyPower Green Build
  • Earn 6 clams of salary in the Getty Treasure Hunt
  • Earn 12 clams of salary in the Alien Rescue Game
  • Earn 6 clams of salary in Geodig Levels
  • Earn 15 clams of salary in the Reef Food Web Game
  • Earn 6 clams of salary in the Reef Simulations Game
  • Earn 15 clams of salary in the Reef Species ID Game
  • Earn 15 clams of salary in Critter Care. Need help caring for the fish? Click here. Frog tutorial. Pig tutorial. Pigeon tutorial. Rat tutorial.
  • Total: 203 clams*
  • Grand Total: 273 clams*
*These games can NOT be completed in 1 day, they will take lots of time and patience.

Keep playing games, and saving those clams. You'll be a millionaire in no time!*

*Disclaimer: It will take a long a time to become a Whyville millionaire.

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