Thursday, February 19, 2015

Types of BBSers

*DISCLAIMER* This is a humorous post meant to be taken as a joke. If I offend anyone, well, I don't care.

The Whyville BBS is a diverse community with people of different ages, ethnicities, and personalities. At any given time, there is probably at least one of each of these types on the BBS.

The Newbie

The Newbie is new to Whyville and/or the BBS. Sometimes, but not always, their writing will be atrocious. They can often be seen with the Welcome Wagon (see below).

The Welcome Wagon

The Welcome Wagon is overly nice, so super sweet they drool maple syrup, and they will never say mean words to anyone. They are the first to welcome new BBSers and befriend them. They wish everyone a Happy Birthday and congratulate everyone for everything.

The Humble Bragger

The Humble Bragger likes to show off their achievements whenever possible, whether it be their clam count, their fitness level, how many instruments they can play, how many languages they can speak, or just how damn awesome they are. They most likely have rich parents.  If you accuse them of bragging, they will get offended.

The Oldbies

The Oldbies have been on the BBS before it was even the BBS, before that little red pin icon was at the top of the screen, when you could only post on The Human Body. They were here from the start, and will stay to the end. They probably have high post counts but this is not always true. Respect them.

The Trolls

Trolls can be either funny or annoying. Trolling is an art that not all can master. Trolls feed off of the energy of the people they offend.  Trolls can be seen changing the subject, making light of a serious subject, and just being random.

The Spammer

The Spammer spams. They post on every thread, whether it's relevant or not, they will often multiple post or quote others for the sake of getting their post count up. You can see their name as "last posted" straight down the board. No one likes a Spammer.

The Nasties

The Nasties commonly talk about gross things and TMI subjects. Whether they post about pooping or peeing standing up, there is always at least one of them.

The Buyers and Sellers

The Buyers and Sellers frequent the "All About Face Parts" and "For Sale/Wanted" subtopics. There's a good chance that's the only place they post.

The Train Wreck

Train Wrecks are complicated. You want to believe them, but you also want to smack them. After their boyfriend broke up with them, their cat died, they fell out of a tree and broke their arm, their mother came down with cancer, all the while dealing with depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, social anxiety, arachnophobia, and bronchitis. They often post about their woes in Emotions and Coping, If you call them out for lying, they will get very upset.

The BFF's

The BFF's always post about how much they platonicly love each other. They wish each other Happy Birthday and make a big deal out of it, and they congratulate each other on their post counts. They talk about inside jokes that no one else gets. They punctuate their sentences with <3. The BFF's probably annoy everyone else.

The Grammar Nazi

The Grammar Nazi corrects every grammar or spelling mistake they can find. The quote button is their best friend. They look down upon those who interchange "their", "there", and "they're". We all have a little Grammar Nazi in us, but correcting everyone can get really annoying.

Did I miss anything? If so, let me know in the comments!