Monday, October 27, 2014

More BBS Updates!

Originally posted on: Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

So at the beginning of November, whyville city worker, Tesract, announced some more updates to the forums which include:

Paginated search results- More accurate search results

Quotes from "city hall" now appear correctly

Spellcheck for username searches- This one's kind of obvious. Everyone will spell their friend's username wrong at least once! I don't know about you, but I find it hard to remember hawtgirl132532. :P

Adjusted post length minimum to 1 character- Remember when you had to put "too short to be useful" or a bunch of spaces after your posting? After we got the updates, those spaces didn't work, so you had to put characters or codes. Now you don't have to do that. Your post can be as short as one character.

Post speed limits (3 posts / 2 minutes)- This is a good one to prevent double/triple posting and spam

Extra wide posts now get a scroll bar instead of breaking formatting- No more page stretches! Now we have a convenient scroll bar.

I would like to thank the city workers for implementing these awesome updates and for listening to our suggestions. (Tesract and Keine, I'm talking to you. ;D)

I would also like to apologize for my lack of posting on this blog. I've been busy and just plain lazy. My bad. :P

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