Monday, October 27, 2014

AALAS Solitaire Game Revamped and Game Guide

Originally posted on: Sunday January 8th, 2012

The AALAS Solitaire game has been updated, and I find it easier to use, faster to play, and more fun. Win up to 40 clams a game in a short amount of time.Confused on how to play? I'm here to help!

The object of the game is to learn more about diseases that affect us. A random card will be drawn at the start of the game. It will tell you the name of the disease and give you a little information about it. You must choose one orange "impact" card, one green "experiment" card, and one purple "vehicle" card. The cards must correspond with each other and the disease card.

Click on the cards you think go along with the disease card. When you click on a card, it will turn yellow. If you click on two cards in the same category (impact, experiment, vehicle) the first card in that category you clicked on will turn to normal colour.

If you matched all three cards to the disease, they will get a purple check mark on them and move to the bottom.

If a card does not match at all, a purple "x" will appear over it and you will lose three clams for each incorrect card. For example, chickenpox does not cause cervical cancer in women.

If two-three cards do not match with each other, the cards will have a purple dash (-) appear over them. You will lose two clams for each pair of incorrect cards. For example, your vehicle can't be animals if your experiment is to make a model. The cards must correspond with each other. Computer: model, animal:animal, etc.

This game is fairly simple and my best tip I can give you is to use your context clues! (I know you aren't too thrilled to talk about English on your snow days!) If the experiment mentions animals, the vehicle must be animals. If the disease affects the muscles, than the impact should probably say something about muscles. Good luck. :D

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