Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Updates: December 2014

A couple of updates since I've last been on. (Whether they're brand new or not, I can't say. But here you go!)

  • Easier BBSing. No more typing the coding! Just select, click and go.
  • Dragon games and Vampire Power games
  • Bizzy Girls is now a sponsor.
  • Updated Christmas Party rooms
  • Updated (Animated) Emoticons
  • New Five Kingdoms Wishing Well
  • Home Page update: Events are shown on the right side
  • Log-in Challenges: Win prizes for logging on a certain amount of days in a month
  • Mood Gems and more Wellness Center activities
  • New Pick Your Nose app for Android
  • New Wardrobe feature, save your favourite looks to wear at another time.
  • Playmath (beta) games
  • "Sent" box in y-mail
  • Akbar went on vacation (May '14) and ScyllaCat didn't have what it takes to take over Akbar's job
  • Zombies and Vampires battled once again this Halloween
Doesn't seem like much changed since I left, but I know the city workers are hard at work! Enjoy the new stuff!

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